Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Rock :: essays research papers

nothing (III.iii.75). Happy with Othellos answer, Desdemona leaves the garden and Iago, entirely once again with Othello, continues his flagitious machinations. He asks if Cassio knew about Othellos love for Desdemona from the beginning of their courtship. Othello says yes and adds that Cassio even served as a matchmaker for the two and "went between them very oft". Iago shows deep concern and subtly hints that Cassios ulterior motive had been all along to engage in an affair with Desdemona. Iago plays upon Othellos insecurities, reminding him that Cassio is younger and more handsome and is a white Venetian citizen. It does not distri savee long before Othello is convinced of Desdemonas betrayal. He chooses the words of Iago over his trust in his wife, and declares "my relief must be to loathe her." (III.iii.268). Desdemona enters with Emilia to call Othello for supper. He tries to hide his inner turmoil but Desdemona can tell that he is troubled. He complains tha t he has a headache. She pulls out a handkerchief embroidered with strawberries and lovingly puts it to his head, but he pushes it away and it falls to the ground. Othello insists she not bother picking it up, and he tells her that he is ready for supper. For some time Iago has asked Emilia to steal Desdemonas handkerchief and now, alone in the garden, she has the opportunity. Hiding it in her pocket, Emilia wonders what Iagos intentions are for the handkerchief. Iago enters and Emilia proudly shows him the handkerchief. He calls her a "good wench" and she asks him for what purpose will he social function it. He refuses to tell her and she leaves on his command. Once alone, Iago reveals what Emilia desired to know I will in Cassios lodging lose this napkin/And let him surface it" (III.iii.321-2). Othello returns from his short supper and he is distraught to say the least "Farewell, tranquil mind" (III.iii.350). Desdemonas treachery consumes his thoughts and he lashes out at Iago, demanding immediate proof of her betrayal.

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